Comparing = stealing

So I’m sitting on my couch, looking at our adorable Christmas tree with my daughter on my lap and my hubby is watching Star Wars and I’m over here having a little pity party! What’s my pity party about? While my hubby is watching Star Wars (I’m trying to be interested…but…I’m bored)…so I decided to get on the Facebook. Immediately, I’m reading other’s posts, updates, seeing pictures and what do I do? I compare…I compare myself, my life, my everything to everyone else and who suffers..ME!


If you saw the post title…COMPARING = STEALING…how you might ask? When I compare myself to others, I lose  a part of myself in that my self esteem drops, my self worth is hindered. When I compare my things to other people’s thing, I don’t count my blessings and I become less grateful. When I compare my life to others, I don’t see that my life is exactly what it is suppose to be. So when I compare, I steal from ME! My life isn’t perfect but where would the fun be if it was all daisies and roses…without rain, there would be no rainbow!





4 thoughts on “Comparing = stealing

  1. Heather says:

    I hate facebook for this very reason!!!! I compare myself to others get frustrated and find myself resenting others and the things they have been blessed with rather then being greatful for all that I have!!!!! Awesome post


  2. Heather says:

    I truly enjoyed reading this blog Facebook can be so detrimentall I often find myself in the same situation you described I will often find myself resenting my friends and my family for the blessings that God has bestowed upon them rather than being grateful for those that he’s bestowed upon me.
    I love the reminder that we should always be grateful for what we have and what God has given us


    1. recapturinggrace says:

      I’m going to start writing down all that I’m grateful and blessed with to remind myself of all the wonderful things going on in my life. 🙂 I know I shouldn’t be jealous with posts on facebook…but easier said than done right?


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